Share your ideas for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from transportation in El Cerrito
By Steve Price
The good news in El Cerrito is that our per capita GHG emissions have dropped. But look at the blue sections of the bar chart above. Our transportation emissions are growing! How could this be? We're driving more electric cars aren’t we? The fact that we're driving bigger and bigger vehicles and driving more frequently and farther is part of the problem.
The City of El Cerrito is updating its Climate Action Plan from 2013 — it's now called the Climate Action and Adaptation Plan. The city hired consultants to help with research, writing, and community outreach. What will come out of this plan is a list of strategies and actions that the city council, city staff, and public can pursue. The question remains how to prioritize which of these strategies and actions are priorities — what will produce the most certain greenhouse gas emission reductions and do it quickly. Input from the public is crucial. Provide the city your thoughts about addressing climate change in El Cerrito by taking the city’s Climate Action and Adaptation survey. — Steve Price
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