California is a leader in reducing greenhouse-gas emissions, right? Actually we're heading in the wrong direction.
A Metropolitan Transportation Commission analysis shows that the Bay Area is veering away from goals set by the California Air Resources Board (SB 375) to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions (GHG) by 20% by 2035.
The State of California has passed exemplary legislation to address greenhouse gas emissions and reduce vehicle miles traveled of gasoline-powered vehicles. Since 50% of California's greenhouse-gas emissions come from transportation, reducing how much we drive cars is critical. Yet an online dashboard created by the California Air Resources Board shows woefully inadequate progress in attaining that goal.
We Bay Area residents are not measuring up, in spite of our environmental credentials. The Bay Area's Metropolitan Transportation Commission sets goals that we are not meeting by a long shot. Think about that next time you get in your car to go a short distance just to get coffee at the Food Annex or Fat Apples. Could you have walked, bicycled, or taken a more climate-friendly mode of transportation?
— Steve Price
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